
ECCO maintains a global Product Restricted Substances List (PRSL) that meets consumer and environmental regulations in the markets where ECCO products are sold as well as common industry codes and practices. The list restricts the type of chemical substances that may be contained in our products and sets limits for these substances. Our requirements define threshold values for chemical substances in leather products, in textiles as well as in plastic and synthetic leather products. The requirements are related to materials and components used for production of shoes, bags and other ECCO accessories. All suppliers are required to comply with this list as a condition of their contracts with us. Compliance with the list is monitored through a comprehensive test programme on both materials and final products.

ECCO Product Restricted Substances List Version 12.0

ECCO Product Restricted Substances List Version 11.0

Appendix 1: "Certificate of RCS Compliance for Same Composition"

Manufacturing Restricted Substance List

Packaging Restricted Substance List